About Lens Front

About Lens Front

The newest independent publisher for photography news, reviews and insight.

Launched in November 2023, Lens Front aims to provide it’s readers with all the latest news, share exclusive stories and images from your favourite photographers, and offer tips and gear reviews.

We don’t just want to share basic updates on the newest camera release, or cover stories you can find anywhere – we aim to have a unique focus on the people behind the camera, sharing their stories of how they ‘got the shot’, and what gear they use.

All of our content is completely free. If you want to contact us, you can do so here. Or, if you’re interested in writing for us, send us your work!

Meet The Team

Our team is small and fully remote, putting us in a unique position to move quickly to get you the latest news and get you stories from photographers you might otherwise never get to hear from. 

Sam King - Founder

Sam is a freelance web developer and amateur photographer. Currently splitting his time between the UK and France, for the last 2 years Sam has been travelling full time, visiting countries such as Bosnia, Serbia and Australia, and even spent a month in Wadi Rum, Jordan, where he lived and worked with Bedouin tribesmen in the desert.